Thursday, September 25, 2008

NASIG: 2nd Call for Conference Proposals

The NASIG Program Planning Committee has put out a 2nd call for proposals for the 2009 conference.

Second Call for Proposals
NASIG 24th Annual Conference
Riding the Rapids Through a Mountain of Change
June 4-7, 2009
Asheville, North Carolina

The North American Serials Interest Group (NASIG) 2009 Program Planning Committee (PPC) extends a second call for proposals and/or program ideas for pre-conference, vision, strategy, and tactics sessions. We welcome all proposals related to serials and electronic resources, and we are particularly interested in the following topics in order to provide a diverse conference program:

  • Standards, their application, and the impact on content providers and libraries
  • Licensing issues, including negotiation of terms, workflows, and integration with publisher, vendor, and library systems
  • Changes in the cataloging environment, including RDA and other policy or standard decisions and the effects of changes in the discovery of library resources
  • Serials-related issues in scholarly communication, access and preservation of intellectual content, such as library-managed journal publication and data curation
  • Continuing development of ERM, including evaluations of effectiveness, workflow changes, and other aspects not previously examined at NASIG conferences
  • Programs reporting the findings of descriptive or experimental research on serials-related topics

The Program Planning Committee will review all submitted proposals for their content, timeliness, and reserves the right to combine, blend, or refocus proposals to maximize their relevance and to avoid duplication.

This Call for Proposals will close on October 31, 2008.

Presentations must be original and not previously presented at other conferences. The Programming Planning Committee hopes to notify applicants of the status of their proposals in December 2008. Inquiries may be sent to the PPC co-chairs, Erika Ripley and Morag Boyd at:

For additional details and to suggest a proposal or idea, please go to

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ALCTS Continuing Resources Section Update Forum

Jennifer Young's report from the ALCTS Continuing Resources Section Update Forum held on June 30, 2008, has been posted to NASIG's Newsletter Blog. Topics covered include:
  • Revision of SCCTP courses
  • Library of Congress's reorganization of their Acquisitions and Bibliographic Access Directorate's serials work
  • ISSN-L update
  • RDA update
  • Library of Congress Working Group on the Future of Bibliographic Control update
  • FRBR for Serials

CONSER At-Large Meeting, ALA 2008

The summary of the CONSER At-Large Meeting held at ALA Annual is now available on the CONSER Web site. Topics covered include:
  • the proposal to make the 440 field obsolete
  • the proposal to add new subfields to the 8XX fields (including one for ISSN)
  • the use of the 007 field in the single record cataloging approach
  • updates to the CONSER Standard Record (CSR) guidelines
  • a new proposal to define the 588 field for "description based on" and "latest issue consulted" notes
  • the repeatable 260 field