Thursday, November 19, 2009

Call for Proposals: ALA Midwinter 2010

The ALCTS Continuing Resources Section College and Research Libraries Interest Group (CRS C&RL IG) requests presentation proposals for our Midwinter Meeting in Boston on Sunday, January 17, 2010, from 10:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Withdrawing print when libraries also have online access
  • Distributed print repositories
  • Regrouping after serials cancellations: have / how have your workflows changed?
  • Pay per view pricing for journal articles
  • RDA and FRBR, as they pertain to serials
  • MARC Format for Holdings Data
  • Next generation OPACs and serial displays
  • Other topics?

Each presentation should be approximately 20 minutes. There will be time for discussion.

Please e-mail proposals by *December 14, 2009* to Beth Bernhardt,

Please include in your proposal:

  • Title of presentation
  • Brief summary of proposed presentation
  • Name(s) and position(s) of presenter(s)
  • E-mail address(es) of presenter(s)

Many thanks. We hope to see you in Boston!


Beth Bernhardt, Co-chair, ALCTS C&RL IG

Electronic Resources Librarian, Jackson Library, University of North Carolina at Greensboro,

Rebecca Kemp, Co-chair, ALCTS C&RL IG

E-Resources Acquisitions Librarian, Davis Library, University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, rkempemailuncedu

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

"Serials in RDA: A Starter's Tour and Kit" by Mary Curran

In her Serials Librarian column, "E-Ventures: Notes and Reflections from the e-Serials Field," Mary Curran presents a concise tour of Resource Description and Access (RDA) rules related to serials cataloging. She covers changes from Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, second edition (AACR2); the text of RDA rules related to those changes; RDA rules regarding major and minor title changes; examples of how RDA data elements will be recorded; serial-related issues that have been deferred for later discussion by the Joint Steering Committee (JSC); examples of FRBR-RDA mapping for selected serials-related data; and examples of MARC record syntaxes.

"Serials in RDA: A Starter's Tour and Kit" is published in the Serials Librarian, vol. 57, issue 4 (November 2009), pages 306-323.

DOI: 10.1080/03615260903218825