Thursday, March 19, 2009

Call for Instructors for ALA-ALCTS Web Courses

The Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS) needs knowledgeable librarians from all kinds of libraries to teach additional sections of its popular online courses.

ALCTS offers three continuing education courses over the Web and is in the process of developing several more. We would like to offer multiple sections of some courses targeted to participants from the same type of library.

We are recruiting knowledgeable librarians to teach additional sections of:
  • Fundamentals of Acquisitions Web Course
  • Fundamentals of Electronic Resources Acquisitions Web Course
  • Fundamentals of Collection Development and Management Web Course
  • New courses in areas of collections and technical services
Please visit the ALCTS Web site for additional information about the courses at:

Courses are provided over a five or six week period. They are composed of self-paced modules and include interaction with the instructors and classmates. This typically involves four weeks of instruction with one week of wrap up; there is no final class grade. The courses are already developed and ready to use; no additional editing is needed. Instructors would participate in evaluations and have the opportunity to recommend updates to the course content as needed. To ensure consistency of instruction and a high value experience for participants, course instructor training has ordinarily had several components:

1. Take the course as a participant.
2. Repeat the course shadowing the instructor, with access to the instructor interface.
3. Team-teach the course with an experienced instructor.
4. Teach the course solo.

A modest honorarium will also be paid for solo teaching each session.

If enough qualified applicants are identified, we would be able to create special "train the trainer" sections of the course that would allow us to accelerate the instructor training process.

How to Apply:

If you are interested in becoming an instructor for an ALCTS Web Course, please complete the online instructor application at You will be asked to:
  • Include a statement of interest (300 words maximum)
  • Specify the areas in which you are interested in teaching (acquisitions, collection development, serials, preservation, etc.)
  • Attach a copy of your resume
Upon submission, the application will be send to Julia Gammon, chair of the ALCTS Education Committee. Review will be completed by the appropriate section level committees.

The deadline for applications is May 4, 2009.

Julia Gammon
Head, Acquisitions Dept. University Libraries
& Interim Marketing Manager, University of Akron Press
University of Akron
Akron, OH 44325-1708
330-972-6254 (phone)
330-972-5132 (fax)


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