Friday, May 4, 2012

"The U.S. RDA Test Process" by Diane Boehr, Regina Romano Reynolds, and Tina Shrader

This article reports the content of a session given at the 2011 NASIG Conference on the process of testing Resource Description and Access (RDA) in the United States in late 2010 and the subsequent analysis of the data in 2011. The presenters represented three national libraries who were an integral part of the testing process: the Library of Congress, the National Agricultural Library, and the National Library of Medicine. While this article does not present the recommendations that came out of the test (those can be found on the Library of Congress's website), it does describe the process of how the test was conducted, how the data were analyzed, and the general categories of recommendations that were arrived at. Given that this presentation was part of the NASIG conference, the topic of continuing resources in the test was highlighted. The presenters touched on issues such as successive entry, what format changes will constitute the need for a new bibliographic record, how translations and language additions will be handled, discrepancies between RDA and CONSER Standard Record practices, and the future of provider neutral records under RDA.

"The U.S. RDA Test Process" can be found in the Serials Librarian, volume 62, issues 1-4 (2012), pages 125-139. DOI: 10.1080/0361526X.2012.652485.

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