Monday, June 16, 2008

FRBR for Serials, Part 2

Back in April I posted about Adolfo Tarango's "FRBR for Serials: Rounding the Square to fit the Peg." Here's the summary of the discussion at the CONSER Operations Meeting:
Adolfo presented his paper FRBR for Serials: Rounding the Square to Fit the Peg. The paper defines a serial authority record to present the “work segments” of a serial work represented by title changes associated with a serial work. This concept was widely applauded by the group. It seems useful as a stand alone record or as part of a relational database where connections could be made to bibliographic records for each work segment. The serial authority record could be generated from existing 780, 785 fields in bibliographic records which make up the work segments. The bibliographic record structure proposed in the paper was somewhat more controversial, involving the consolidation of many different format records onto one record.

The proposal sparked a useful discussion and resulted in the idea for reforming the CONSER FRBR Task Group with specific goals in mind:
  • Look at several different proposals for defining serial FRBR structures and how they might fit into the RDA implementation scenarios.
  • Include vendor representatives on this group
  • Consider the need for authorized ISSN from the ISSN Network for the work authority structure and possible roles of linking ISSN in the bibliographic record structure
  • Provide this group with a firm, practical charge
Action: The CONSER FRBR Task Group will be reformed with a new charge that incorporates the above goals.

Who: Les will work with the existing co-chairs to redraft the charge and recruit new/additional members. [Since the meeting staff from CPSO have volunteered to take part in the group.]

When: Summer 2008

For more information about the CONSER Operations Meeting, see my previous post.

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